Always on the investor's side
At SFR Advisors we only have one priority – our client. Customer satisfaction is our core value and we take it into account in all our operations. We want to act as a long-term partner working alongside our clients, in the best interests of their wealth.
We always operate transparently. We do not sell or act as brokers in investment products, nor do we represent any asset management or investment firm. Neither do we accept any commission refunds or incentives from third parties. Our operations are based entirely on revenues from our customers. In this way, it is guaranteed that we always serve the interests of the customer and that our operations are independent.
Our team has a strong understanding of the asset management industry and different investment solutions. We continuously develop our expertise to ensure we can offer our clients the best possible tools to support their investment activities.
Promoting sustainable investing
The importance of sustainability in the investment world is continually growing, and we reflect this in our operations. Our unique role connects both asset owners and asset managers, fostering dialogue that enhances sustainable investment practices for both parties. We are also a member of Finsif (Finland's Sustainable Investment Forum ry).